The History of Waist Trainers

History of Waist Trainers

Waist trainers have been used for centuries to shape and slim the waistline. These garments have undergone many changes over the years, from the heavy, boned corsets of the Victorian era to the modern latex and spandex waist trainers of today.

In this article, we will take a closer look at the history of waist trainers, from their origins to the present day.

Waist trainers in Egypt, Greece and Rome

The use of waist trainers can be traced back to ancient times, when women in Egypt, Greece, and Rome used tight-fitting garments to enhance their figures. In the Middle Ages, the corset became popular in Europe, with women using these garments to achieve a more hourglass-shaped figure. However, it was during the Victorian era that the corset reached its peak of popularity, with women using them to achieve the ultra-slim waistlines that were fashionable at the time.

Victorian corsets

Victorian corsets were often made of heavy fabrics like brocade and velvet, and were tightly boned with whalebone or steel to give them their shape. These corsets were worn under the clothing and were designed to shape the waist, hips, and bust into the desired hourglass shape. However, they were also known for being incredibly uncomfortable to wear, and were often so tight that women had difficulty breathing or moving freely.

Waist trainers out of fashion in early 1900’s

In the early 1900s, the corset began to fall out of fashion, as women’s clothing became looser and more comfortable. The invention of the brassiere in 1913 also contributed to the decline of the corset, as it provided the support and shaping that many women had previously relied on corsets for. By the 1950s, the corset had all but disappeared from mainstream fashion.

Comeback of waist trainers

However, in recent years, the use of waist trainers has made a comeback, with many women using them to achieve a slimmer waistline and an hourglass figure. Modern waist trainers are often made of latex or spandex, and are much more comfortable to wear than their Victorian counterparts. They are also more flexible, allowing for greater movement and comfort.

Today, waist trainers are used by many women as part of a weight loss or fitness routine, with the goal of achieving a smaller waistline and a more shapely figure. Some people even wear waist trainers while working out, as it can help them sweat more and burn more calories.

Waist trainers used for centuries

In conclusion, waist trainers have been used for centuries as a way to shape and slim the waistline. From the heavy, uncomfortable corsets of the Victorian era to the modern latex and spandex waist trainers of today, these garments have undergone many changes over the years.